Monday, June 29, 2009

My new Studio

Mmmmmm . . . belts!

Here it is in all its glory - my happy little studio space.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Studio Update!

Things are coming together! I'm starting to feel vaguely organized - I've got all my ties and belts hung up, some preliminary lighting - and I even made stuff today. More Wanderlust buttons!

The only problem was that before everything was in one space, I had NO idea how much fabric I had. It's kind of crazy, actually. I am definitely on a strict, no-new-fabric diet until I make a bunch more stuff.

Monday, June 22, 2009

So, I don't do very well at this blogging thing, but I'm going to give it another shot.

I'm moving into a studio space! I'm really excited to have space to spread out - and to leave half-finished projects out. Also, not having a small poodle come stand on top of anything I'm working on will probably be a step up.

Pictures coming soon!